首页 百科知识 汉语与英语对比分析,语法特点及翻译


时间:2024-07-20 百科知识 版权反馈




综合语的特征是运用形态变化(inflection)来表达语法关系。Webster’Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary给综合语定义为:A synthetic language is“characterized by frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships”。拉丁语Latin、德语German和古英语Old English等都属于这类语言。分析语的特征是不用形态变化而用词序及虚词来表达语法关系。The Random House College Dictionary给分析语定义为:An analytic language is“characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words,auxiliary verbs,and changes in word order to express syntactic relations,rather than of inflected forms”。汉语是典型的分析语。[27]

现代英语是从古英语发展而来,仍保留着综合语的某些特征,但也具有分析语的特点:有形态变化,但不像典型的综合语那么复杂;[28]词序比汉语灵活,但相对固定;虚词很多,用得也相当频繁。现代英语运用遗留下来的形态变化、相对固定的词序及丰富的虚词来表达语法关系,因此属综合—分析语(synthetic-analytic language)。[29]形态变化、虚词和词序是表达语法关系的三大语法手段。这些语法手段在英汉两种语言中具有不同的特征。




He moved astonishingly fast.

He moved with astonishing rapidity.

His movements were astonishingly rapid.

His rapid movements astonished us.

His movements astonished us by their rapidity.

The rapidity with which he moved astonished us.

He astonished us by moving rapidly.

He astonished us by his rapid movements.

The rapidity of his movements was astonishing.

He astonished us by the rapidity of his movements.(O.Jespersen)



我给他一本书。 I gave him a book.

他已给我两本书。He has given me two books.

他爸爸常常给他一些书。His father often gives him books.

汉语的“我”、“他”没有形式变化,同一个词可以表示主格、宾格或所有格;“书”没有形式变化,可以表示单数或复数;动词“给”也没有形态变化,可以表示现在、过去或已完成的行为。但英语对应的词I,me,he,him,his,book,gives,gave,has given却有形态变化。英语的动词、助动词和情态动词常结合起来,运用其形态变化,表示动词的时态、语态和语气。[30]

例1.New factories are beingbuilt all over the country.


例2.During the wartime,years like these would have meant certain death for many people.Manywould have become beggars and others would have been compelled to sell their children.


现代英语的形态变化除了词缀变化,还指动词、名词、代词、形容词副词的变化。这些变化有:gender,number,case,tense,aspect,voice,mood,degree of comparison,person and parts of speech。汉语没有形态变化,一般要借助词语、安排词序、隐含意义或其他办法分别表达语法意义。

例1.Thus encouraged,they made a still bolder plan for the next year.


例2.I regret not having taken her advice.



译文:The book is said to have been translated into many languages.

现代英语的形态变化虽不如典型的综合语那样复杂,但使用得十分频繁。H·Sweet(1920)认为:“The English inflections,few as their number is,are an integral and essential part of the language….The excessive frequency of these forms gives them great morphological weight…..We cannot but accept Sayce’s dictum,‘once inflectional,always inflectional’.Hence,while English appears as almost uninflectional when compared with such a language as Latin,it appears in the opposite light when compared with an isolating language such as Chinese.”[31]

严格来讲,汉语没有形态变化。汉语可以说“学生们”,但在“两个学生”、“他们是学生”中,却不需要加“们”,而在英语的“student”却都要加“-s”。有如,“我们(的)学校”(our school)、“你看见(了)没有?‘(Have you seen it?)中的“的”和“了”可用可不用,而在英语相应的词却有形态变化。[32]


形态变化与词序密切相关。形态变化越多的语言,词序越灵活,反之亦然。拉丁语是典型的形态语言(综合语)词即使移动了位置,也可以从其形态标志识别其语法意义,因而词序很灵活。例如,拉丁语的主语和宾语有不同的形式,其位置可以改变而意义却完全相同,Amor vincit omnia=Omnia vincit amor,意思都是“爱能征服一切”(Love conquers all things)。汉语是典型的分析语,词没有形态标志,位置不能随便移动,词语之间的关系主要是通过安排词序及使用虚词来表达。例如上句,若把词序该为“一切能征服爱”,则意思完全相反。英语属综合—分析语,词序不如拉丁语灵活,但也不如汉语固定。形态变化、虚词和词序这三大语法手段互相配合或交替运用,使英语词语和从句的位置比汉语灵活。[33]


第一类:What in the word do you mean?

(Interrogative inversion)

第二类:Come you,everybody!

(Imperative inversion)

第三类:What a beautiful voice you have!

(Exclamatory inversion)

第四类:A pair of black eyes might have done some execution had they been placed in a smoother face.

(Hypothetical inversion)

第五类:Inexpressible was the astonishment of the little party when they returned to find that Mr.Pickwick had disappeared.

(Balance inversion)

第六类:Such are the rewards that always crown virtue.

(Link inversion)

第七类:By negation is meant the denial or absence of facts.

(Signpost inversion)

第八类:Not a finger did I lay on him.

(Negative inversion)

第九类:Good friend for Jesus’sake,forebear

To dig the dust enclosed here.

Blessed be he that spares these stones.

And curst be he that moves my bones.(W.Shakespeare)

(Metrical inversion)

英语词序灵活主要是因为:形态变化、连接词、词语间要语法关系一致。H.Sweet认为:“The free word order in such a language as Latin is mainly the result of concord.”汉语没有这种一致的关系,只能按照表意的需要排列词序。如:

例1.He had to quit the position and went exile,having been deprived of his power.


例2.No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism,as well as abilities,of the worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the house.




A very important question/aquestion of great importance


A debatable subject/a subject which can be debatd


at an unprecedented speed/at a speed unprecedented



There is no inconsistency in what he said.

There is nothing inconsistent in what he said.


Her sparkling eyes betrayed her great excitement.

The sparkle of her eyes betrayed her great excitement.


例1.Many sketches are in existence of peasants seated by the roadside and men and woman at work in the fields.


例2.The second aspect is the application in all members of society,from the government officials to the ordinary citizens,of the special methods of thought and action that scientists use in their work.



例1.She had such a kindly,smiling,tender,gentle,generous heart of her own.


例2.She was an intelligent,attractive and somewhat temperamental daughter of a well-to-do doctor in London.


类似以上多个描写性词语连用时,在英语里多作定语,少作谓语(heavy attribute,small predicate),在汉语中则多作谓语,少作定语(heavy predicate,small attribute)。翻译时若能灵活利用这一不同特点,译文往往比较符合表达习惯。


例1.Nowadays it is understood that a diet which contains nothing harmful may result in serious disease if certain important elements are missing.


例2.I had not known him for 20years without learning that he always kept in the upper-left pocket of his waistcoat the little book in which he put down his engagement.


例3.The assertion that it was difficult,if not impossible,for a people to enjoy its basic rights unless it was able to determine freely its political status and to ensure freely its economic,social and cultural development was now scarcely contested.


例4.He had flown in just the day before from Georgia where he had spent his vacation basking in the Caucasian sun after he had completed the construction job he had been engaged in in the South.



例5.But even more important,it was the farthest(cosmic clouds)that scientists had been able to look into the past,for what they were seeing were the patterns and structures that exists 15billion years ago.(考研英语1998年第71题)



例1.Category 2contains only four items,and I shall say no more about them except that,since they are under consideration,we should not let the grass under feet,but attempt,as early as possible,to arrive at a common understanding in the interest of humanity.


2)I believe that I speak for every sincere and serious representative in the United Nations-so I am encouraged to believe by the speeches to which we have already listened this morning-when I say that the anniversary must be an occasion for an honest assessment of our failures in the past,matched by an equally determined will to do better in the future,so that we can escape from frustration and turn the anniversary into an inspiration and an achievement.(www.xing528.com)





I had lived here for more than a year.我住在这里已一年多了。(一年又几个月)

I had lived here for more than one year.我住在这里已不止一年了。(可能两年或三年)

She served me with a kind of coffee.


She served me with coffee of a kind.


a hundred and one许许多多

one hundred and one一百零一

She was with a child她带着一个孩子

She was with child她怀孕了。

They are students of our school他们是本校的部分学生

They are the students of our school他们是本校的全体学生

out of question毫无问题

out of the question不可能

take the chair(当会议主席)主持会议

take a chair坐下


of age———of an age

give battle to———give the battle

leave college———leave the college

in a word———in word

in case of———in the case of

in dock———in the dock

This is a matter of moment.———This is a matter of the moment.

members of society———members of the society

in ward———in the ward

give sb the axe/bag/boot/kick/sack/bird/push

in blue———in the blue———in the blues

in the red———in the black———in the pink———in the green

ring the bell———ring a bell

in the cart———in a cart

from the cradle to the grave

by the jin/kilogram/pound/dozen/piece/

by the hour/day/week/month/year

on the rise/increase/decrease/decline

I’m on the point of leaving for New York.

In point of this question,I agree with you.

a slip of the pen/tongue———put pen to paper———give tongue to sth

in the search for———in search of

at a distance———in the distance

She has had a good education.

in fashion———in the fashion———in a fashion———out of fashion

make a fuss about sth———make a fuss of sb

have/take a holiday———be/go on holiday



It isn’t going to rain today,is it?


Just think it over.


All right,let’s make it tomorrow.


Let’s go.


Unable to fight on or to escape,the enemy were forced to surrender.


例1.He is a man above vulgar interests


例2.If a man couldn’t walk into a room and tell who was for him and who was against him,then he wasn’t much of a politician.



例1.This was the period when Einstein began the research which resulted in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity.


例2.Practically all substances expand when heated and contract when cooled.




Don’t open the door until the train stops.


Don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.


When you drink water,think of those who dug the well.


I wouldn’t come to you if I hadn’t something to ask of you.

英语组合语句的手段是形态、词序和虚词配合使用,三者相辅相成,互相调剂,互相替换。H.Sweet认为,“inflection itself has exactly the same function as the same function as the use of form word.”[42]如:

The nature of man(虚词)

Man’s nature(形态代替虚词,同时改变词序)

Tell him the news.(词序)

Tell the news to him.(借助虚词改变词序)




These problems have been solved.



Yesterday he got up very early.



You may not go.

You said he would come.








It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it.It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land,which were not silences at all,but motions,stirs,flutters,risings,fallings,each in its own time and matchless rhythm.The land did not move,but moved.The sea was not still,yet was still.Paradox flowed into paradox,stillness mixed with stillness,sound with sound.The flowers vibrated and the bees fell in separate and small showers of golden rain on the clover.



