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4.1 Parallelism(平行结构





parallelism一词,源自希腊语parallëlismos,意为alongside one another(一个与另一个并排着)。parallelism是指一种平行结构(parallel structure)由结构和意义相似的短语或句子平行并列构成。但在实际运用中,构成Parallelism的成分并不仅仅限于短语和句子两个语言单位。International English Usage对Parallelism作了详尽的阐述〔17〕

In ordinary expository prose, parallelism can be regarded as a type of coordination, linking elements that are already logically connected. Thus an adjective is paralleled to another, a noun to a noun or a verb to a verb, a phrase to a phrase, and a clause to a clause.

由此,我们可以认为,Parallelism并不仅局限于含并列连词and, or, both... and..., either... or..., not only... but also...的句子,它实际指两个或两个以上在意义上关联、互补与照应,在结构上平行排列的语言单位,这些语言单位不仅外形结构对称,而且其语法功能也相同。

4.1.1 parallelism的常见形式

·词的平行排列(a series of words)

a. Galileo studied, taught and experimented. (动词平行,作谓语

b. He thought everybody lived far too elaborately, expensively, and anxiously. (副词平行,作状语

c. He spent much of his life in the rich, lazy, corrupt Greek city of Corinth. (形容词平行,作定语)

d. Lumber, corn, tobacco, wheat, and furs moved downstream to the delta country. (名词平行,作主语)

·短语的平行排列(a group of phrases)

a. Gorki himself was a man of such great courage, of such deep simplicity and of such intense honesty. (介词短语平行,作定语)

b. Knowing how to study and learning how to budget time are important for college students. (动名词短语平行,作主语)

c. I like to be up first in my own camp, to wake the cook myself, to shave while he boils the kettle and then to call the rest of the company with a warm cup of coffee. (不定式短语平行,作宾语)

d. Roger led the way through the castle, kicking them over, burying the flowers, scattering the chosen stones. (现在分词短语平行,作状语)

e. Dentists advise brushing the teeth after each meal and avoiding too much sugar in the diet. (动名词短语平行,作宾语)

·从句的平行排列(a row of clauses)

a. A number of New Yorkers have been driven from the city by fear; by the feeling that they are besieged and that if they venture too far from their neighborhoods they will be mugged or, worse, murdered. (同位语从句平行)

b. If you write or if you telephone, wait for two weeks until I return from Singapore. (状语从句平行)

c. My employer informed me that I would be sent to Hong Kong and that I should make arrangements to leave in about two weeks. (宾语从句平行)

d. When the green leaves become yellow gradually, when the yellow leaves leave twigs and fall down slowly, when the fallen leaves cover the footpath, we know that fall is here with us. (状语从句平行)

e. A friend is a person with whom you may be sincere, to whom you are attached by affection, and from whom you learn things about life and yourself. (定语从句平行)

·句子的平行排列(a series of sentences)

a. We shall fight him by land; we shall fight him by sea; we shall fight him in the air.

b. On the contrary, we shall be fortified and encouraged in our efforts to rescue mankind from his tyranny. We shall be strengthened and not weakened in determination and in recourses.

c. Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.

·语段的平行排列(a series of paragraphs)

Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us.

Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms...

Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors.

Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah to "undo the hearty burdens... (and) let the oppressed go free.

需说明的是,不同形式的Parallelism在英语表达中同时交错使用的现象也不鲜见。如Margaret Foster在其“Why I Am Glad to Be 40”一文中写道:

Husbands have been killed, babies born deformed, wives left deserted, children crippled in accidents, homes burned to the ground—I've looked and heard and wept and thought this is too much for anyone to bear... and then I've been astounded at how happiness of a kind can be regained out of the hell of grief.


上段文字写得激情澎湃,扣人心弦。如此效果与两种形式的Parallelism的交替运用不无关系——短句的平行使用(babies born deformed,wives left deserted, children crippled in accidents, homes burned to the ground)和单词的平行使用(looked and heard and wept and thought)。


During all the years of my life, until that moment, I have carried the menacing, the hostile, and the killing world with me everywhere. No matter what I was doing or saying or feeling, one eye had always been on the world—that world which I had learnt to distrust almost as soon as I learnt my name, that world on which I knew one could never turn one's back, the white man's world. (Baldwin: This Morning, This Evening, So Soon)


上例通过几个表示强烈情感的形容词(如menacing, hostile, killing)和几个现在分词(如doing, saying, feeling)并行使用,Repetition(反复)辞格的运用(如world一词的反复出现)以及antithesis(对照法)的运用(如I had learnt to distrust almost as soon as I learnt my name),强化了表达效果,深刻揭示了种族歧视对“我”的身心损害,鲜明表达“我”的仇恨心理。

4.1.2 Parallelism的审美价值

作为结构修辞的Parallelism的第一审美价值在于形式。实际上,其审美价值远不止于此。正如Harold B. Allen所言,辞格均可视作the art of speaking or writing effectively。Parallelism亦不例外。 以Parallelism叙事


The Chinese diplomats should be firm in stance, far in sight, swift in wit, qualified in profession, outstanding in talent, noble in character.



Page boys, soldiers, secretaries, officers, diplomats, they all gradually formed a circle around Diogenes.




Thousands of eyes turned upward. Thousands of arms pointed. A black cloud was rising from the shattered summit of mountain. Higher and higher it rose.


Thousands of eyes和Thousands of arms两个平行结构的出现,活灵活现地托现了成千上万的庞贝居民在火山爆发一刹那间惊恐和迷惘!


You can almost hear the clatter of horses' hoofs on the narrow streets, the cries of children and the laughter of the shopkeepers.


三种“音响”以平行结构出现——the clatter of horses' hoofs, the cries of children and the laughter of the shopkeepers,读者如闻其声,如见其景,意大利古城庞贝倾覆前夕的喧嚣与繁华如此贴近读者。 以Parallelism议论


They vanish from a world where they were of no consequence; where they achieved nothing; where they were a mistake and failure and foolishness; where they have left no sign that they had existed.


文采飞扬的英国作家George Orwell连用四个以where引导的定语从句,从不同视角聚焦摩洛哥底层民众挣扎求活的惨境。整段没有高谈阔论,而是运用最直接、最简单的表达对土著居民的一生进行反复概括,宣泄了积淀于作者心底的悲怆,读者也深受其染!

Happiness isn't about what happens to us; it's about how we perceive what happens to us. It's the knack of finding a positive for every negative, and viewing a setback as challenge. It's not wishing for what we don't have, but enjoying what we do possess.


幸福是什么?仁者见仁,智者见智。但是上述议论却另辟蹊径,别开生面。Parallelism的运用乃成功一笔,尤其是句中的isn't about... it's about, It's not wishing... but enjoying的整饬框架自如而又深刻地构成了一正一反,形成了辩证统一。Parallelism在某种意义上让本来就睿智的思想表现得更睿智,让本来明晰的思想表达得更明晰。 以Parallelism抒情


I like empathy that age (middle age) brings. I like looking at children on the verge of some new event and knowing how they feel. I like looking at pregnant women and being able to share their mixed feeling. I like being familiar with things that once made me apprehensive. I like not being afraid to display my ignorance and ask for help. I like the confidence middle age brings.


Margaret Foster在“Why I Am Glad to Be 40”一文中的一段精彩文字,作者以齐整的I like开句,一气写了六句。由抽象(empathy)到具体(children, women, familiar with, afraid of),由幼(children)及长(pregnant women),由正(familiar with)到反(not being afraid),始于隐(empathy),而终于显(confidence)。抒情有条不紊,剖析步步深入,波澜渐起,止于高潮(climax),又以短句嘎然收住,抒尽“中年之乐”,写尽人间百态,而读者也亦“句”亦趋,与之共鸣。


a. I feel extraordinarily homesick at a time when the weekend comes regularly and the chums go back home hurriedly and cheerfully, at a time when I receive the distant call, hearing the routine mutter from my mother over and over, at a time when I confront frustrations and sadness beyond description.

b. Do you still remember that footpath along which we went shoulder to shoulder many times? Do you still remember that full-moon night during which we pledged solemnly to love each other for ever? Do you still remember that inn in which you became drunk, saying your heart was broken? Do you still remember that late autumn evening in which we bid farewell so bitterly in the freezing drizzle? 以Parallelism诠释


Stanford University, famous as one of northern California's several institutions of higher learning, is sometimes called "the Harvard of the West". Its reputation is based on its location, its intelligent students, its distinguished faculty, its growth opportunities offered to students, its overseas programs, its substantial endowment, and its recent extensive growth.


上段六个平行结构,以its开首的名词词组,一字排开,充当介词on的宾语。Stanford University的不俗实力和享誉遐迩的事实,得以详列,令人折服。

Add 15~30 minutes per night until you feel alert and rested each day. If you are a "night owl", sleep a bit later; if you are a "lark", go to bed earlier.


以上例句选自网文“Get More Sleep—Or It Will Get You”(《睡眠不足伤身体》),作者通过采用优美对称的由if引导的平行句式,寥寥数语,逻辑严密地阐述了睡眠、健康和生活习惯之间的辩证关系,句意隽永,含有哲理

A rodeo itself is a competitive contest based loosely on traditional cowboy skills of riding and roping. It consists of six major events: (1) Riding an unbroken range horse (bucking bronco) in a saddle; (2) Riding a bucking bronco without a saddle (bareback); (3) Riding a bull; (4) Roping a calf; (5) Wresting a steer to the ground (bulldogging); (6) Racing horses around barrels (with women riders).


上段文字向读者介绍一种美国西部的放牧人竞技会,层次清楚,条理明白。在关键词rodeo出现之后,使用了两个含-ing分词构成的平行结构——riding和roping,并由此自然导出六个-ing单词引导的平行的分词结构,不仅使全段一气呵成,成为一个有机整体,而且诠释头绪明白,内容清楚,令读者对这项特殊而又罕见的竞技会印象清晰。 以Parallelism演讲


美国著名的废奴主义者Frederick Douglas(1817~1895)于1852年在纽约州罗彻斯特市国庆大会上发表的演说“An Ex-Slave Discusses Slavery”(《一个解放了的奴隶论奴隶制》)。其中一个段落是:

The feeling of the nation must be quickened; the conscience of the nation must be roused; the propriety of the nation must be startled; the hypocrisy of the nation must be exposed; and its crimes against God and men must be proclaimed and denounced.



美国第三十五任总统John F. Kennedy(肯尼迪)的就职演说成了英语学习者必读的范文,演说精彩,用了大量的Parallelism,其中一句是:

My fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.



Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty.



4.1.3 Parallelism的汉译

语言的形式美有时是如此重要,形式的工整蕴含音韵美,措辞的对仗包孕了辩证美,如此,表达的注意价值(attention value)和记忆价值(memory value)便大大提高。比如,孙中山先生的名言:革命尚未成功,同志仍须努力。毛泽东的名言:道路是曲折的,前途是光明的。所以至今生命力犹存,仍被今人所引用,其中的一个原因即源于其形式。


With this faith we will be able to work together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free one day.







If there be one single word in all the wealth of the English language which best describes the predominating trait of General Grant's character, that word is "loyalty". Loyal to every great cause and work he was engaged in, loyal to his friends, loyal to his family, loyal to his country, and loyal to his God. (Horace Porter)


上段选自美国南北战争中的北军将领Horace Porter(1837~1921)为美国第18届总统Ulysses Grant骑马塑像落成所举行的宴会讲话“Eulogy of Ulysses S. Grant”(《献给尤里塞斯·格兰特的颂词》)。原文作者感情奔放,赞美之情溢于字里行间。译文按字面直译,把原文的四个形容词短语构成的平行结构译成汉语的四个动宾词组,成功地挽留了原文神采。



I am song and fear, struggle and panic, and ennobling hope. (Franklin Knight Lane: "Makers of the Flag")





It was a day as fresh as grass growing up and clouds going over and butterflies coming down can make it. It was a day compounded from silences of bee and flower and ocean and land...




4.2 Impersonal Subject Sentence(非人称主语句)



【惯译】After I got angry, I felt neither sorrow nor regret.

【新译】Neither sorrow nor regret followed my passionate outburst.


【惯译】After he became a youth, he got a job and then fell in love with a girl.

【新译】Youth sees him on a job and in love.


【惯译】I studied in England in October 2002.

【新译】October 2002 found me studying in England.

以上三句“新译”,透出了“惯译”所无的美。新,就是新在句型;美,就美在英语味。“新译”句型英语称之为Impersonal Subject Sentence(非人称主语句)。

4.2.1 何谓Impersonal Subject Sentence?

Impersonal Subject Sentence指非人称主语(如以上三句的Neither sorrow nor regret, Youth; October 2002)后续一般为人称主语所使用的表示感觉、意识、情感或动作之类的动词谓语(如以上三句的followed, sees, found)构成的句式。通常折射一定生命内涵的动词被“挪用”于不具生命的主语(inanimate subject),因此,这样的句式就自然而然地抹上了拟人(Personification)色彩。除了表达顿趋活泼之外,此句型新意拂面,结构严谨,言简意丰,语体活泼。




“树欲静而风不止”一句中的主语“树”,是典型的inanimate subject,而“春潮带雨晚来急,野渡无人舟自横”两句中的“春潮”和“舟”,也属于inanimate subject,但是,它们偏偏使用了通常只有animate subject才使用的动词,如“欲”、“带”和“自横”。

《红楼梦》里的王熙凤说了一句话:什么风把你吹来了?亦为Impersonal Subject Sentence。

读者或许已经发现,汉语的所谓Impersonal Subject Sentence,有一共同点:其主语,虽为inanimate,却具有或隐或显,或明或暗的“能动”特性,比如“风”、“春潮”和“舟”,等。而以上三句“新译”的英语主语丝毫不具有“能动”特性。

4.2.2 现象溯源


笔者曾随机抽查一英语教材的部分课文,从中获得很多英语Impersonal Subject Sentences(请注意黑体字),结果发现,它们的相应汉语表达的主语一律改译成了人称主语。如:

Only the thought of his mother gave him the strength to go on doing it.


The want of his family had kept him from school, and he seemed to feel the loss.


The new year is expected to see great changes.


Careful comparison of them will show you the differences.


The application of electronic computers makes for a tremendous rise in labor productivity.


Courage deserted him.


The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck.


He gave up all the hope when the appearance of a distant sail kindled his hope of rescue.











4.2.3 Impersonal Subject Sentence的常见主语

英语Impersonal Subject Sentence的主语,不像汉语那样具备“使动”特性。其主语可以是:



What has become of a woman at forty? The answer comes from the mirror, which shows up vaguely discernible wrinkles on the formerly smooth forehead and the thick black hair with its gloss gone. A touch of frustration and helplessness comes over me as I realize how time flies. Before I have sufficiently admired the scenery and enjoyed the beauties of life, it's already autumn. However, a second thought brings me relieved calm.


A touch of frustration and helplessness comes over me... a second thought brings me relieved calm.

翻译时,主语(我)省略了,却巧用“怅惘”,“无奈”(frustration and helplessness)和“思之”(a second thought)作主语!


Others travel leisurely like tourists. They would take time off now and then for a look at blooming flowers or fallen petals. They would stop to admire clouds gathering and dispersing. Even when they go against the wind or are caught in the rain, they never get annoyed, for worries slip off their minds as from an open net.


...worries slip off their minds as from an open net.

worries,而非some people作主语,堪称别致!



She is very charming when singing "Hand in Hand" in a duet with her lifelong companion. White-haired and wrinkled, she may be one of our grannies, a perfect image of kindness as she is often described. The furrows ploughed by time deny replenishment with cosmetics, for they are fertile soil radiating the fragrance of history.

很少有人能品味皱纹背后那岁月与历史拂过的幽香。她们无须再用铅华刻意雕饰。→The furrows ploughed by time deny replenishment with cosmetics, for they are fertile soil radiating the fragrance of history.

译得何等精彩!纯正的英语味扑面而来,究其原因,无非是在英译时改用The furrows(皱纹)作主语!



A woman is never more beautiful when the full sense of being a female dawns on her and makes her very proud of the sex.

意识到自己是一个女人→sense of being a female

英译译笔流畅,符合英语句子短的在前,长的在后特点。而此英译用sense of being a female作主语乃成功之关键。



Day in day out my room is cleaned with meticulous care to keep it always dust-free, so that it greets me with a pleasant look whenever I return home. No matter how far into the night, there is always a light at that window shining through darkness like a beacon to the one bound for home late. The sight of it, even in the distance, brings warmth from the window all the way to the heart.

原句的“温暖便从窗口一直注入心底”貌似非人称主语句,其实非也。此句的前句“远远望见”的主语当是“我”!英译却化原句中的“远远望见”为主语The sight of it,再添加even in the distance,妙不可言地导出一个漂亮的Impersonal Subject Sentence!



Thus the gathering dark often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd. Whether it rains or snows, windy or foggy, it is the longing to be home that quickens my steps. To be home means to end a day's fatigue and enjoy myself in a world of my own. With a nice cup of tea and a burning sandalwood incense by my side, I can either resume my suspended reading, or listen leisurely to a soft melody and let myself be carried away to a fairyland of beauty... All the urban noises and disturbances are shut out, thrown to the winds and rain, for I am safe at home.

于是,暮色中匆匆的人群里,总有我赶路的身影。→Thus the gathering dark often finds me hastening home in a hurrying crowd.

英语的Impersonal Subject Sentence就是具有这样一种魅力!句子的主语在英译时居然被译成了the gathering dark。再者,“只盼着早些回家”也被译者顺手牵羊般地译成了it is the longing to be home that quickens my steps,同样值得读者回味一番,尤其是其中的定语从句。



Months later, rings appeared glistening on their fingers but chatting was gradually replaced by reading, one with a book the other a newspaper.

我看见他们手上戴了结婚戒指→rings appeared glistening on their fingers!

Impersonal Subject Sentence还有减字功能,汉语原句中的“我看见”自然省却!


It may be that I'm venting some pent-up feelings long denied expression, or trying to compose a little poem not yet presentable for the time being, or attempting to sketch out something visualized from my childhood memories which glows in my mind like a rainbow. When I am in such a mood, please leave me alone and let me write as the pen dictates.


·Impersonal Subject Sentence审美价值















Cherish the Other's Affection

It was towards sunset on a cool autumn day.

Having just bickered with my husband, I stood irritated in a draught by the gate of the yard, letting my wet unkempt hair flutter fiercely over my shoulders. "Come over, you peevish girl!" said my husband walking out into the yard with a blow dryer.

I could not very well resist but pull a chair and sit down compliantly. The blooming flowers of the yard presenting a riot of color before my eyes quietly dispelled all my grudges.

I felt warmth coming off and on around my ears while the mist of vapor was dispersing.

"Perhaps, this scene will come back to you years later when you sit alone at sunset like this."

A tinge of melancholy was tangible in my husband's voice, which broke the long silence.

"What about you then?" I asked.

My husband turned off the blow dryer and looked at me with a smile. After adjusting the pose of my head he let the blow dryer work again. It was quite some time before he gave a reply: "Gone long before you."

His voice was so sure yet so calm. It suddenly dawned on me that taciturn as he had been all the time, there was regret deep in his heart. I was awe-struck like a mischievous boy brought face to face with the damage he had done.

If after many years I was, as God would have it, left alone watching the glory of the flowers, would I have the heart to contemplate and figure out what there is now in my husband's mind?

The Buddha says: It takes five hundred years' religious devotion for people to acquire a chance of sharing a boat and one thousand years of sharing a marriage bed. But how long is it to keep each other's company in wedlock?

How come that I tend to hurt the one I love most? It may be that he is the one who forgives me each time. However, it is precisely because there is no danger of being deserted that I have all along taken him for granted.

If it should eventually happen, how could I bear to look at the same splendid scene of flowers all alone?




The blooming flowers of the yard presenting a riot of color before my eyes quietly dispelled all my grudges.




Perhaps, this scene will come back to you years later when you sit alone at sunset like this.

同样,原文主语是人,未被省略,“你”字反复出现。英译一反汉语习惯,以非人称的主语this scene取代“你”,后续动词come(back to you)。英译以this scene牵头,短小精干,其后则拖拖拉拉,如接龙一般。状语years later后接一个when引导的状语从句,而状语从句中又含一个介词短语at sunset,一个还不够,还要再接一个介词短语like this。真可谓洋洋洒洒,欲止又言;如此句型,头轻脚重,从容洒脱,正符合英语句型的审美价值!


A tinge of melancholy was tangible in my husband's voice, which broke the long silence.

原文动词“说”的主语是丈夫。译者笔力不凡,变汉语的人称主语为英语非人称主语A tinge of melancholy!更妙的是,定语从句的关系词which的先行词也是非人称的voice。一个非人称主语(A tinge of melancholy)接另一个非人称主语(voice),让读者品味再三的竟是定语从句中的动宾结构:broke the long silence。

反观汉语原文,英译似乎更符合“一气呵成”(Coherence)的行文原则!英译A tinge of melancholy was tangible in my husband's voice, which broke the long silence的上句是“丈夫”突然说出的一句话,话既出口,英译马上跟着描绘丈夫的语音——A tinge of melancholy,如此紧密契合,汉语原句所不如也。


His voice was so sure yet so calm. It suddenly dawned on me that taciturn as he had been all the time, there was regret deep in his heart. I was awe-struck like a mischievous boy brought face to face with the damage he had done.

汉语原句的“我好像突然明白了……”系句子核心,主语“我”则是核心之核心。不料相应的英译又心裁别出,采用了一个英语广为使用的句式:It suddenly dawned on somebody that...。

细辨It指代的内容,不是也不可能指代“我”,而是用于固定句型中的一种非人称的指式。英译以It suddenly dawned on me牵头,同样短小精干,构成了英句之美。此外,主语It隐含了一种逻辑力量;它是模糊的,又是清晰的。这个It囊括了上句的全部内容——his voice, sure, calm等等。从逻辑上汉语原句的逻辑就显得松散,因为在“声音是那么肯定而平静”之后,必须绕到人称主语“我”上去。




On the other hand, if we leave the chief sights and pavilions without a single name or couplet until her visit, the garden, however lovely with its flowers and willows, rocks and streams, cannot fully reveal its charm.

“生色”二字被自如地译成了reveal its charm,已经别致。寻其主语,原来是the garden! the garden cannot fully reveal its charm即为句子的主干,是典型的Impersonal Subject Sentence,与汉语原句相映成趣。

我们所说的Impersonal Subject Sentence,并非只限于一种简单的句型,即S+V+O的句型,请看以下两个译例:



This pavilion, built in the middle of the lake, had windows on all four sides, twisting corridors on left and right leading to both shores and, behind, a winding bamboo bridge connecting it with the bank.

英译twisting corridors on left and right leading to both shores就是不可多得的佳译,这不是Impersonal Subject Sentence,而是一个独立主格结构,一个具有Impersonal Subject Sentence性质的结构。





Butcher Hu had to give in. Two bowls of wine bolstered up his courage, making him lose his scruples and start his usual rampaging.

Two bowls of wine bolstered up his courage已是精彩的Impersonal Subject Sentence,但是,紧跟其后的现在分词短语making him lose his scruples and start his usual rampaging也值得我们咀嚼,它同样具有Impersonal Subject Sentence的性质!短短一句,尽现Impersonal Subject Sentence之风采。英译的句子结构更趋紧密,行文更趋流畅,逻辑也就更一致。

4.2.4 扮靓Impersonal Subject Sentence之关键:动词

构成Impersonal Subject Sentence的关键因素有两个,一个是主语,另一个则是动词谓语。和主语相比,此句型的动词谓语似更有规律可循,且掌握了动词谓语的规律,在汉译英的过程中就能更加自如地运用。现对非人称主语句式的动词谓语做以下归纳分析:


这些动词如see, witness, look, peer等。

仔细一想,我们汉语中并不乏这样的句式,不乏对视觉动词的活用。如:天安门广场曾经目睹了伟大的“五四”运动。又如:山顶上的那家豪华宾馆鸟瞰西湖。但是,英语运用视觉动词的语域(register)要宽广得多。比如,Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English,就对动词see作了这样一条释义:to be an occasion of (an event or course in history); to have experience of; undergo,并附有例句:The 5th century saw the end of the Roman Empire in the West. / This old house has seen better days; now it's in bad repair.


The May Fourth Movement of 1919 saw the beginnings of the "New Redology", represented by scholars such as Hu Shi and Yu Pingbo.


That chilly afternoon witnessed him trudging in the snow.


He was especially careful when driving through the corner that had seen many car accidents.


He entertained Lin Chong with food and drink and that night saw him back to the garrison temple. The following morning, he came again to invite Lin to his home.


包括greet, kiss, tell, ask等动词。



The news that greeted us in Guangzhou and our visits later to various places turned anxiety to joy.


The morning sun greeted us as we came out on deck. (Webster's New World Dictionary为及物动词greet提供的三条释义中,就赫然写着:to come or appear to; meet,并提供了例句:A roaring sound greeted his ears。)


A soft wind kissed the treetops.


Fear gripped Cao's army. The soldiers crouched behind shields as bolts rained down periodically at the signal of wooden clappers. Yuan Shao's men howled with laughter at the sight of the cowering enemy. Confusion spread in the ranks, and Cao Cao convened his counselors.


如escape, slip, take, bring, refuse, grip, choke等。



His name escapes me for the moment. [《英汉大词典》就收入了这样的例句:Your name obstinately escapes me. (我怎么也想不起你的名字。)该词典还特别注明了escape用于此语境的含义是:被……忘掉。]


A few steps across the lawn brought me to a large, splendid hotel.


The forty years, 1840~80, brought almost ten million migrants to America.


Fear gripped his heart.


如give, set, make, kill, keep, leave, deprive, disarm, remind, prevent, show, lead (to)等。



The sight of a tailor-shop gave me a sharp longing to shed my rags, and to clothe myself decently once more.


This medicine will make you feel better.


The sight of his father-in-law made Fan Jin afraid that he was in for another cursing.


On the eighth of the eighth month he went to the examination school for the provincial examination, and the sight of the place where he had cried made him unexpectedly happy.


如snow, father, creep, obey等等。



Gifts and messages snowed in on her birthday.


A new dignity crept into his steps.


The wheel of the car obeys the slightest touch of the wheel.

